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Let's Not Wish Time Away

Those perfect words landed hard in my email, from a retired cider maker in the western mountains of Virginia. It's like she was in my head. 

Big Ben

I mean, I'm all for slowing down. Naps are spiritual, like tea, and baths, and brownies.


But when we've reached the point where we can no longer do anything but nap, it's not those blissful moments on the couch we'll be replaying in the Hulu of our Brains.


We'll remember our feats, and the fears we beat into submission. And our travels -- scaling a (short) wall at Seneca Rocks (did that), the towering waves at Pipeline (didn't do that), riding hundred-foot-tall camels (did that). You never see those in the suburbs. We remember the perfect wine dinners and smoky firepits. And those times when people we love cheered for us. And when we cheered for them. (But mostly when they cheered for us.)


I started Hurry Up, Girl because I read about an informal little club of women who'd each bought a tiny travel trailer. They met up all over the country to hang out. Just girls. How cool. And then Brain said "Oh that looks like fun I could never do that."


And it wasn't the first time Brain had acted up lately. She had already decided I am too old to ski, too fat to scuba dive, and too sweaty for any more public speaking. But not able to attach a trailer to my car and drive around?  When did I become such a ninny?





The second catalyst behind Hurry Up, Girl is an elegant Southern woman named Olivia. After her husband died, she needed to keep busy, so took a job hostessing in Santee, SC.  Santee is the halfway point on my frequent drives to Sarasota, and when she heard I was traveling alone, she said I wish I knew how to do that. And Brain thought, well, maybe we can help.


I find that for every woman over 40 who's out there, traveling, living, and having a blast, there are two who aren't sure where to start. This site is for them. 


Life is short, Girls. Let's finish those naps and go do stuff. 'K? 

Hey, I'm Nancy.


And this is my great nephew, Vin. Vin's five here, and I'm 50 years older. Not that you'd notice.


​I'm a travel writer (with a particular love of Virginia Wine Country, as you can see here on my Virginia Wine in My Pocket website).


I love my Mister, and also my time alone. (He does, too - every woman should be so lucky.) 


If I were making a list of my favorite things, besides writing and driving, I'd say cooking, eating, wine, inspirational biographies, dinner parties, and quirky people.


Also, symphonies (though I'm dumb as a stump about that stuff), Sinatra, sleeping (hmm, that should've gone first...), screened porches, Cuban sandwiches, and Fresh Produce. Also the new movie theaters with the leather recliners. And dogs. 

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Nancy Bauer

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